Lloyd's Lunchbox is a series of short animations created by Gregory Ecklund for Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation. The episodes revolve around the title character Lloyd, a man who appears to be mentally ill and who often harms his body. In the first episode, he wears a green shirt with jeans, but in the other two, he appears nude. Almost no dialogue exists, though Lloyd can be heard making noises. Footage of the episodes was used by Korn in their music video of the song "Right Now". == Episode 1 == The first episode is broken into the days of the week. * Monday: Lloyd sneezes, causing his lungs to come out of his nose. * Tuesday: Lloyd attempts to eat a hamburger, but is unable to open his mouth wide enough, and his mouth ends up ripping wide open. * Wednesday: Instead of brushing his teeth, Lloyd puts the brush through his nose. * Thursday: Noticing something wrong with his fingernails, Lloyd pulls them off with pliers. * Friday: A pimple has appeared between Lloyd's eyes, but he squeezes his eyeball, causing pus to shoot out. * Saturday: Lloyd gets a pair of scissors and cuts off an eyelid, his lips, and the bottom of his tongue. * Sunday: Once again Lloyd needs to sneeze, but this time, he covers his mouth. This causes his brain to blast out of the backside of his head. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Lloyd's Lunchbox」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク